
Bit o' Me

 Best way to wind down a season is with a wonderful photo shoot of my family by a good friend!
Well, the photography season is winding down. At least for me it is-not all photographers experience this.  I probably only have a couple more shoots before Christmas Card orders come in and once that is all done I get a few months "off".  In years past, this period has been kind of boring for me business-wise.  But this year I am actually looking forward to the forced rest that Winter in Minnesota provides. Yes, I'll still have mounds of paperwork to catch up on, taxes to sort and file, business cards to design and print and perhaps a session here and there-but I'm looking at this time totally differently than ever before.  I'm looking forward to ROCKING as a mom without being distracted with work, to knitting and crocheting, to baking and cooking, to reading many books, and other run-of-the-mill homemaker activities.  You see, I LOVE photography. But sometimes it has a tendency to become alive, it starts giving me orders about how to spend my time, but I can't always see that its doing it because along with the orders comes a flood of imagination, creativity and all around joy for the pretty pictures I get to make.  Well, one night recently I was facing another long editing session (which I totally enjoy even though I miss sleep) when all of a sudden I felt like the LORD nudged me and said something to the effect of "Is it worth being on top of deadlines and an expert at your craft when it means missing out on time with Me at night?" (nighttime is my devo time) WHOA! I was caught.. but in a way that was refreshing AND convicting. I responded with, "yah, who do I think I am?" For me, I thought it was better to get things out the door and not have to "worry" about finishing.  But, I probably wouldn't have been worried if I was secure in myself in the LORD and not feeling guilty about missing my time with him.  My husband has been an excellent example of how to abide in the LORD AND complete his work. He doesn't push his tactics on me, but day after day, month after month, I see him in quiet strength deny himself morning sleep in order to meet with GOD. How does he convince himself to do that? His alarm on his phone reminds him how badly he needs it more than sleep. But, I don't know that after several months that it is something he needs convincing of anymore. He's not convinced, he's HUNGRY. So hungry that he has his time with God in the word in the morning, then he listens to a sermon while making us breakfast, and then in the evening will spend more time reading the bible. THAT is what I'm missing! I didn't realize that I'm starving! So I'm looking forward to this forced Winter sabbath and praying that I will finally not just create good habits or make silly promises that I can't keep but that I will abide in the LORD so much so that I will never chose to neglect my relationship with Him again.  Which in turn will make me an even better woman, mom, wife, photographer, friend, sister, daughter, stranger, neighbor..
Many blessings to you and yours this frigid winter and holiday season and may you find cozy times of rest amidst your own version of chaos and activity in which you not only experience physical rest, but the much needed rest for your soul in Jesus Christ.

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