
A Mothers Fight

If you are a mother you know what it is like to comfort your child after they've taken a big fall, skinned their knees, and perhaps far worse trauma. It can be sweet and heart wrenching to hear their cries. Well, I'm going to speak up about the silent cries of the unborn that are never heard by human ears.  These are the cries of a tiny child being murdered inside of its own mothers womb. Its time we offer our comfort to these little ones, with a promise to do everything to bring an end to it.  I hope you will take 33 minutes to watch this video by Ray Comfort where he opens with 14 people who do not know the identity of Hitler.  This discussion leads naturally to a discussion about abortion, which is a horror worse than the Holocaust by sheer numbers. Watch how this comparison can change your mind about abortion in just 33 minutes.