
Fitting Verse Today

Ecclesiastes 9:10

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.

I feel like I have a million things to get done almost all the time, and very little time to do them. And yet this verse smacked me in the face today. DO IT WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT! I am a mommy and it means I have little ones to run after and paper work for medical stuff to fill out, and tummy's to fill and books to read, and God to worship. So Do it with all your might!

But really it should be the other way around. God to worship and stuff to do. I realized that last night, as I read about Mary and Martha in "Twelve Extraordinary Women" by John MacArthur. He makes the point that Jesus rebukes Martha when she complains about Mary not helping because what we need first is to worship the Lord, sit at his feet and listen to his Words. Yet as Christians I think we get caught in the snare of thinking that service outweighs sitting and waiting and listening and worshiping. I fought this very idea through most of the chapter. And maybe you're fighting it too. But isn't doing all those things worshipping God? I've thought the very thing for a long time. But sitting and listening is better Jesus said. "Mary has chosen the better way." So maybe doing can be worship but it is not more important than reading his Word, and listening for his Spirit.

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